How to Reference in Turabian

How to Cite a Chapter in a Book

When a book is a collection of essays or chapters, written by different authors and compiled by an editor or editors, reference it is as follows. 

i. First citation in the footnotes

Lily Arasaratnam, “Communication and Expectations: Differences Between Men and Women Explored,” in Raising Women Leaders: Perspectives on Liberating Women in Pentecostal and Charismatic Contexts, ed. Shane Clifton and Jacqueline Grey (Sydney, NSW: APS, 2009), 236. 

ii. Subsequent citations in the footnotes are shortened

Arasaratnam, "Communication and Expectations," 236.

iii. In the bibliography

Arasaratnam, Lily. “Communication and Expectations: Differences Between Men and Women Explored.” In Raising Women Leaders: Perspectives on Liberating Women in Pentecostal and Charismatic Contexts. Edited by Shane Clifton and Jacqueline Grey, 236-253. Sydney, NSW: APS, 2009.

NOTE: You must include the page numbers of the whole chapter in the bibliography, but in the footnote, only the page where the information referred to is to be found.

How to Cite the whole Edited Volume

List the editor(s) first.

i. First citation in the footnotes

Denise A. Austin, Jacqueline Grey and Paul W. Lewis (eds.), Asia Pacific Pentecostalism (Leiden: Brill, 2019), 124. 

ii. Subsequent citations in the footnotes are shortened

Austin, Grey and Lewis, Asia Pacific Pentecostalism, 124.

iii. In the bibliography

Austin, Denise A., Jacqueline Grey and Paul W. Lewis (eds.), Asia Pacific Pentecostalism. Leiden: Brill, 2019.