How to Reference in Turabian

Referencing Journal Articles

For journals, the full reference should include the following information in the order shown, following similar principles to the  

  • Name of author(s);
  • Title of the article - in "inverted commas";
  • Title of the periodical or journal - in italics
  • Volume and issue numbers;
  • Date of publication - in (brackets); 
  • Page numbers.

i. First citation in the footnotes

DJ Konz, "The Even Greater Commission: Relating the Great Commission to the Missio Dei, and Human Agency to Divine Activity, in Mission," Missiology: An International Review 46, no. 4 (2018), 338.

Lyn M. Kidson, "Fasting, Bodily Care, and the Widows of 1 Timothy 5:3–15," Early Christianity 11 (2020), 14.

David Graieg, review of Communal Reading in the Time of Jesus, by Brian Wright, Journal of Gospels and Acts Research 2 (2018), 137. 

ii. Subsequent citations in the footnotes are shortened

Konz, "The Even Greater Commission," 338.

Kidson, "Fasting, Bodily Care, and the Widows of 1 Timothy 5:3-15," 14.

Graieg, review of Communal Reading in the Time of Jesus, 137.

iii. In the bibliography

Graieg, David. Review of Communal Reading in the Time of Jesus, by Brian Wright. Journal of Gospels and Acts Research 2 (2018): 135–137. 

Kidson, Lyn M. "Fasting, Bodily Care, and the Widows of 1 Timothy 5:3–15." Early Christianity 11 (2020), 1-15.

Konz, DJ. "The Even Greater Commission: Relating the Great Commission to the Missio Dei, and Human Agency to Divine Activity, in Mission." Missiology: An International Review 46, no. 4 (2018): 333-349.