How to Reference in Turabian

Referencing Youtube

Occasionally you may need to reference a clip you watched on Youtube. 

  • Name of channel - NOTE: only in italics if it has a print counterpart, e.g. Wall Street Journal, but Alphacrucis College;
  • Title of video - in "inverted commas";
  • Date of publishing;
  • Video
  • Length of video
  • Short URL.

NOTE: The name of the channel should be as it appears on Youtube, not according to standard capitalisation and grammar rules, so if it is in all lowercase or several words running together, write it as it appears (e.g. NoCAT NoLiFE)

i. First citation in the footnotes

Alphacrucis College, “Preaching in an Online World,” May 18, 2020, video, 50:42,

ii. Subsequent citations are shortened

Alphacrucis College, “Preaching in an Online World”

iii. In the bibliography

Alphacrucis College. “Preaching in an Online World.” May 18, 2020. Video, 50:42.

Where to find information on a Youtube video: