How to Reference in Turabian

This resource provides information on how to reference, using the formatting of the Turabian 9th Edition, 2018 (notes-bibliography). The Turabian style is a companion to the Chicago style manual, which is currently in its 17th edition.

When you have read through the instructions and examples, you can check out this Sample Essay using Turabian from Liberty University.

Referencing Books
For books, the full reference must include the following information in the order shown: 

  • Name of author(s);
  • Title and (if any) subtitle - in italics
  • Name of editor, compiler or translator (if any);
  • Number of edition, other than the first; 
  • Place of Publication;
  • Name of Publisher;
  • Date of Publication;
  • Page numbers - only in footnotes.

Books with one to three authors

The most common reference you will cite is a book with one to three authors. 

i. First citation in the footnotes

Jacqueline Grey, Them, Us and Me: How the Old Testament Speaks to People Today (Sydney, NSW: APPS & SCD Press, 2007), 45. 

Mark Hutchinson and K. Handley, A Humane Reckoning: From Accounting to Accountability at Macquarie, 1964-2014 (North Ryde: Editorial Collective, 2014), 17. 

ii. Subsequent citations in the footnotes are shortened

Grey, Them, Us and Me, 45. 

Hutchinson and Handley, A Humane Reckoning, 17.

iii. In the bibliography

Grey, Jacqueline. Them, Us and Me: How the Old Testament Speaks to People Today. Sydney, NSW: APPS & SCD Press, 2007. 

Hutchinson, Mark and K. Handley. A Humane Reckoning: From Accounting to Accountability at Macquarie, 1964-2014. North Ryde: Editorial Collective, 2014. 

Books with more than three authors

If the work has more than three authors it is normal to cite the first author, and to follow it with the Latin term ‘et al.’ (meaning “and others”). 

i. First citation in the footnotes

Martin Greenberger et al., Networks for Research and Education: Sharing of Computer Information Resources Nationwide (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1974), 54.  

ii. Subsequent citations in the footnotes are shortened

Greenberger et al., Networks for Research and Education: Sharing of Computer Information Resources Nationwide54. 

iii. In the bibliography

Greenberger, M., et al. Networks for Research and Education: Sharing of Computer Information Resources Nationwide. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1974. 

Books with author and editor/translator

If the book has an author as well as an editor/s or translator, you need to indicate this with the abbreviation “ed.” or "trans."

(NOTE: This is different from a chapter in an edited volume. See section: Chapter in an Edited Volume)

i. First citation in the footnotes

Walter Brueggemann, The Psalms and the Life of Faith, ed. Patrick D. Miller (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 1995), 29.  

Wolfhart Pannenberg, Basic Questions in Theology: Volume One, trans. George H. Kelm (London: SCM, 1970), 11–12. 

ii. Subsequent citations in the footnotes are shortened

Brueggemann, The Psalms and the Life of Faith, 26. 

Pannenberg, Basic Questions in Theology, 13.

iii. In the bibliography

Brueggemann, Walter. The Psalms and the Life of Faith. Edited by Patrick D. Miller. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 1995.

Pannenberg, Wolfhart. Basic Questions in Theology: Volume One. Translated by George H. Kelm. London: SCM, 1970.